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Table in widget/table:158

The generic table widget.

A table is to represent a list with several columns. It needs to be inside a window tag. It should have at least two columns (see the col tag) and can be linked with specific control methods.

This is a generic widget which will be converted into a specific widget, depending on the used GUI toolkit.

Class summary

This class offers 3 properties.

Property Get Set
row_classes Return a tuple of the valid row classes for this widget. Can’t write
rows Return the table rows. Modify the table rows.
selected Return the currently selected row. Select the given row or index.

This class offers 7 methods.

Method Signature Description
add_row add_row(*args, **kwargs) Add a new row with the specified arguments at the bottom of the table.
create_specific create_specific() Create the specific widget, using the specific_package attribute.
remove_row remove_row(row: Union[int, bui.widget.table.AbcRow, NoneType]) Remove a row in the table.
schedule schedule(coroutine) Schedule the specified coroutine in the main event loop.
sleep sleep(seconds) Asynchronous sleep during the specified number of seconds.
sort sort(key: Callable = None, reverse: bool = False) Sort the table rows, given an optional key.
update_row update_row(row) Update the specified row.



This property can only get (read-only).


See the source code

Return a tuple of the valid row classes for this widget.


This property can get and be set.


See the source code

Return the table rows.


See the source code

Modify the table rows.

Args: rows (iterable): an iterable containing representations of rows (can be Row objects specific to this table, or tuple, list or dict).


This property can get and be set.


See the source code

Return the currently selected row.


See the source code

Select the given row or index.

Args: row (int or Row): the row to select.



add_row(self, *args, **kwargs)

See the source code

Parameter Type Default
self Table  
args Not set  
kwargs Not set  

Add a new row with the specified arguments at the bottom of the table.

You should specify all the table columns as positional or keyword arguments.

For instance, with a table defining 3 columns (name, price, and quantity):

self.add_row("table", 30, 1)


self.add_row(name="table", price=30, quantity=1)



See the source code

Parameter Type Default
self Table  

Create the specific widget, using the specific_package attribute.

If the specific object has already been created, don’t recreate it and raise no exception.


remove_row(self, row: Union[int, bui.widget.table.AbcRow, NoneType])

See the source code

Parameter Type Default
self Table  
row Union[int, bui.widget.table.AbcRow, NoneType]  

Remove a row in the table.

Args: row (int or Row): the Row object to remove, or the index of the row to remove.


schedule(self, coroutine)

See the source code

Parameter Type Default
self Table  
coroutine Not set  

Schedule the specified coroutine in the main event loop.


sleep(self, seconds)

See the source code

Parameter Type Default
self Table  
seconds Not set  

Asynchronous sleep during the specified number of seconds.

This method should ONLY be called in an asynchronous control method. It is a shortcut to asyncio.sleep.

Args: seconds (int or float): the number of seconds to wait.


sort(self, key: Callable = None, reverse: bool = False)

See the source code

Parameter Type Default
self Table  
key Callable None
reverse bool False

Sort the table rows, given an optional key.

This method is similar to the sort method of a list. You can use it to sort using, by default, the first column, or by specifying a column key.

Args: key (callable, optional): the key to call on every row. reverse (bool, optional): sort in reverse order.

Example:  »> from operator import attrgetter  »> table.sort(key=attrgetter(“grade”))


update_row(self, row)

See the source code

Parameter Type Default
self Table  
row Not set  

Update the specified row.