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Layout tag: window

Window tag, to encompass widget tags.

The window tag is the only one that is truly mandatory in your layout. It is used to describe both a window and dialog. It will contain all your widgets (graphical elements).



Name Required Description Example
rows No The number of rows in the window grid. Default is 6. <window rows=10>
cols No The number of columns in the window grid. Default is 6. <window cols=5>
title Yes The window or dialog title. This attribute is mandatory. <window title="User Config">

You cannot set a window or dialog without a proper title. Doing so would impair accessibility for screen readers. If these tools can read anything at all on your window, it’s the title bar, so be sure it’s not empty.

title is a translatable attribute. If internationalization is set, it should contain the ytranslate path to the title and will be translated in the proper language as needed.

The rows and cols attributes are used to set the window grid. You can think of them as the height (in rows) and width (in columns) of the grid. Changing this value won’t make the window any bigger, but it will give you more control on how to place the widget in the window itself. On the other hand, having a large grid can make designing not so easy. It all depends on your needs.

Note: you don’t have to set the same number of rows and columns. This is just the default value. You can set different values with no trap:

<window cols=1 rows=8>

This will set a window with only one column, but 8 rows. If you place a widget in x=0 y=0, it will take all the window’s width. Again, this doesn’t change the window size in any way, just the way widgets are placed on it. You can picture the window to always be a square but sliced in different portions (squares or rectangles, more or less big depending on the height and width you set in the window tag).


A window is a specific graphical element since it only contains other elements and has no meaning by itself. Therefore, you cannot send it data, it wouldn’t make much sense. Instead, you should send data to the window’s graphical elements themselves.

However, some window attributes can be changed on the fly.

Attribute Meaning and type Example
title The title (str) self.title = "New title"

These attributes can be accessed and set using the standard Python syntax for attributes. Behind the scenes, these attributes are cached, handled by an extended property(), but you don’t really need to worry about how it works. Suffice it to say that:

class Example(Windows):

    def on_press_a(self):
        self.title = "You pressed A."

… will update the window title when the user presses the ‘a’ key on her keyboard.


The window tag is tied to the Window or Dialog class. Therefore, when you write controls on either of these classes, you often want to catch controls on indidivual graphical elements in the window. There are a few exceptions however:

Control Method Description
close on_close The window is about to be closed, but isn’t closed yet.
focus on_focus The window is focused or lose focus. This usually happens for a top window when the user switches the current app.
init on_init The window is ready to be displayed, but is not displayed just yet.
press on_press The user presses on a key from her keyboard. This control can have sub-controls.
release on_release The user relases a key on her keyboard. This control can have sub-controls.
type on_type The user types a character using her keyboard. This control can have sub-controls.

Notice that we don’t specify the window identifier. It would make no sense here. Therefore, to use these events, you should just add a method in the window class with the control name and no identifier:

class MainWindow(Window):

    def on_focus(self):
        print(f"Am I focused? {'yes' if self.focused else 'no'}")