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Control: init

When the window or widget is initialized.

Contrary to other controls, this one is automatically triggered by the Blind User Interface when the window has been built from a valid layout, but before the said window is displayed. This allows to load default data, as some data cannot be assigned otherwise.


This control is automatically scheduled when the window is ready to be displayed, but before the window is actually displayed, unless the control method is asynchronous. This allows to use automatic or programmatic sampling to fill data on some widgets (like lists or tables. Since it is not possible to assign data on these widgets in layout (filling these objects is a task for the developers, not the designers), this control can be useful to set default data:

def on_init(self):
    # The window initializes
    table = self["products"]
    table.rows = (
            ("Pocket watch", "$15", 80),

Window control

This control can be linked to a window. Simply specify a method called on_init in your Window-inherited class. This method will be called when the window is ready to display, but before it actually does.

class Example(Window):

    def on_init(self).

Widget control

You can also link this control to most widgets. Include the widget identifier in the method name. For instance, if your widget has an ID of “products”, then to fill it when the widget is ready to be displayed:

def on_init_products(self):

This second method is considered a good practice, as a window control for initialization might not be as clear. Furthermore, you can use the widget argument in such a method, which does make things easier:

def on_init_procuts(self, widget):
    # the table products is ready to be displayed
    widget.rows = (
            ( ... ),

Asynchronous calls

This control can be bound to an asynchronous method (that is, a coroutine). However, in order to avoid slowing down the display of the window, notice that using such a method doesn’t guarantee the initialization will be called before the window is displayed, which might create some logical errors depending on what you want to achieve:

async def on_init(self, ...):

As usual, just place the async keyword before the method definition to make it asynchronous. Although you won’t have control over when the information will appear, you will be able to divide the task in different periods of time.

An alternative is also possible: if you want to keep the method synchronous (that is, it will always be called before the window appears) but you wish to create an asynchronous coroutine in it, you can use self.schedule which takes a coroutine as argument:

class Example(Window):

    def on_init(self):
        # Notice you don't define it with async this time.  This
        # method will be executed before the window appears.
        # ... some initialization might be required

    async def start_task(self):
        # Start one or more tasks asyncyronously
        # It is likely this method will first be called after the
        # window has appeared on the user screen, though it is not
        # possible to control its timing.
        await self.sleep(5)
        # ... and 5 seconds later, perhaps do something else?

The important thing to note here is that the on_init method remains synchronous: it will be called before the window appears, even if the method blocks, the window will take longer to display. However, we schedule the start_task method to run. This method has been defined by the developer and is asynchronous. BUI will start it and call the method whenever possible (notice, you won’t be in control of when it is called, chances are it will be called after the window appears, this time).

Control attributes

This control doesn’t have any attribute. Notice, as usual, you can use the widget argument in your control method, if this is a widget control:

def on_init_products(self, widget):