"""Module containing the generic RadioButton class, a generic radio button widget."""

from typing import Iterable, Tuple

from bui.widget.base import Widget, CachedProperty

class RadioButton(Widget):

The generic radio button widget.

A radio button is to represent a group of choices, each choice being
a button. Selecting one forces the other ones to get unselected.
This widget needs to be inside a [window](../layout/tag/window.md)
tag. It should have at least two choices, but you can set them
initially with the [choice tag]../layout/tag/choice.md) or later
with the `choices` property on this widget.

This is a generic widget which will be converted into a specific widget,
depending on the used GUI toolkit.


widget = "radio"
class_name = "RadioButton"
default_controls = {
#"focus": "The radio button gets or loses focus",
"init": "The window is initialized",
"press": "The user presses on a key while the radio button is focused.",
#"select": "The radio button selection changes.",
"release": "The user releases a key while the radio button is focused",
"type": "The user types a character while the radio button is focused",

def __init__(self, leaf):
self.x = leaf.x
self.y = leaf.y
self.id = leaf.id
self.width = leaf.width
self.height = leaf.height
self._choices = []
self._selected = 0

def id(self):
return self.leaf.id

def choices(self):
"""Return the current choices."""
return tuple(self._choices)

def choices(self, choices: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]):
Modify the radio button choices.

choices (iterable): an iterable containing choices, each
choice being a tuple with two elements (both of
`str`): the choice ID and the choice label.

except TypeError:
raise TypeError("'choices' isn't a valid iterable")

apply_choices = []
for i, (choice_id, choice_label) in enumerate(choices):
apply_choices.append((str(choice_id), str(choice_label)))

if len(apply_choices) < 2:
raise ValueError("you need to specify at least two choices")

self._choices = apply_choices
self._selected = 0

def selected(self):
"""Return the ID of the selected choice."""
return self._choices[self._selected][0]

def selected(self, choice: str):
"""Change the selected choice."""
index = 0
for i, (choice_id, choice_label) in enumerate(self._choices):
if choice_id == choice:
self._selected = i
raise ValueError(f"can't select choice of ID {choice!r}")

def _init(self):
"""Widget initialization."""
choices = []
for tag in self.leaf.children:
if tag.tag_name == "choice":
choices.append((tag.id, tag.data))

if len(choices) >= 2:
self.choices = choices

return super()._init()